Conifer Mountain

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With a view like that, how can you have too much glass?

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Roof overhangs help mitigate solar gain.

#homebuilding #mountainhomes #newconstruction #designbuild #construction #luxuryhomes #homebuilder #customhomes #evergreencolorado #conifermountainhouse
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Beautiful blue sky day, the snow is melting, and the windows are set. 

#homebuilding #mountainhomes #newconstruction #designbuild #construction #luxuryhomes #homebuilder #customhomes #evergreencolorado #conifermountainhouse
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Windows going in to showcase the view at Conifer Mountain home.

#conifermountainhouse #homebuilding #mountainhomes #newconstruction #designbuild #construction #luxuryhomes #homebuilder #customhomes #evergreencolorado
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Another new one underway on Conifer Mountain. Looking forward to watching this hole in the ground transform into our client's dreamhome!

#homebuilding #mountainhomes #newconstruction #designbuild #construction #luxuryhomes #homebuilder #customhomes #evergreencolorado #conifermountainhouse
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Windows getting set at the Conifer Mountain Project.

#homebuilding #mountainhomes #newconstruction #designbuild #construction #luxuryhomes #homebuilder #customhomes #evergreencolorado #conifermountainhouse
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Love seeing lots of action on the job site!

#homebuilding #mountainhomes #newconstruction #designbuild #construction #luxuryhomes #homebuilder #customhomes #evergreencolorado #conifermountainhouse
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